Type name / number: Ascota (Klasse) 112 (It is an Klasse 110, with broad paper feed carriage and two tab positions)
Production / SN: 112 - 35116
Calculating principle: Rocking Segment and Ten key keyboard with changed 10key orientation keyboard layout.
Calculating functions: Add, Subtract
Input accuracy 12 digits
Calculating accuracy: 12 digits
Extra's: An tab, to make a coulomb listing.
This is a mechanism, which shifts the carriage a fixed number of digit positions (the tab). With the actual result of two coulombs, a non added row and an added row. Where these coulombs are printed is adjustable. There are three clams to adjust three of those positions. They can be chosen to select them manual by pushing the knob right on the top of the carriage and shift the carriage until the selected clams can be locked in.
The tab is generate (oscillating) automatically, after a Plus key and the subtotal and total key. This should be the executed with activating the key above the plus key, but this is not working as expected???
Both coulombs have the usual right alignment.
Designer: ?
Production year: between 1953 and 1968
Case material: Bakelite
Weight: 15,9 Kg (that's 4kg more than the 110)
External links: http://www.robotrontechnik.de/index.htm?/html/computer/ascota.htm
Previous owner: eBay name: yardsale24online, (real name?), Niederdorf (some km's south of Chemnitz), Germany.
This is the area where the ASTRA, ASCOTA and Continental machines were built and where later production plants were build for Robotron products.
This machine was used in the shop of the sellers aunt.
Cosmetic imperfections:
(I accuse no one)
The paint loses the Bakelite case, which is normal. Push knob, carriage roll turn free (without fixed row positions), is missing
Date of receiving: 2015-03-10 (The machine handed over at an appointed motorway parking place. A nice conversation followed).
Machine story:
The machine seems to be in good working order at the first checks. The sequence is not clear yet. The total sum generate a tab as well?
The first pictures of the uncleaned machine are posted!

From the website manager of Robotron I got the 112 operation sequences. Thanks again!
My Ascota 112 seems to work as you described, except the key above the +key.
The carry of the first digit is not working well yet, but that is solvable I think.

The total sum on one coulomb is working without the other coulomb. (carry has to be solved)

The numbers of the first number coulomb can be entered by the + key. The tab to the next coulomb follows. The to be added second coulomb numbers entered by the + key, as well (or repeat key obviously)
The total key activation at both coulomb give the result as printed (please see picture.)
Negative values inputs were OK, but intermediate sum  operation blocked the machine. But luckily the clutch was activated. Manual free the motor turned him forward with some manual levers tried and bingo!
It helps that got some previous  help from him on the sequence of the operation.

During the test time of an half hour, the radio interference network stayed intact. No heating up and slow start of the motor!

The penetration oil did his work and the calculation test 12345679 x 9 was giving the correct result now.
I forgot to disconnect the main connector yesterday, so the machine was 20h connected to the mains. No heating up of the interference module. This one in still in good condition!! Curious to know what the used capacitors are, but I tame my curiosity.

Pictures of the cleaned machine / case added to the site.




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