Type name / number: Ascota (Klasse) 314 (Electrical motor driven)
The 314 is produced at the VEB Secura Werke Berlin, which was first part of the Kombinat Zentronic (Headquarter in Erfurt). Daro is the brand / logo of this Kombinat, which was later merged under the VEB Kombinat Robotron in 1979.
Production / SN: 314-
Calculating principle: Rocking Segment technology and Ten key keyboard
Calculating functions: Add, Subtract and short Multiplication
Input accuracy 12 digits (for multiplication 1x11- or 6x6 digits)
Calculating accuracy: 12 digits
Extra's: The short multiplication is implemented via an extra register on the bottom of the machine! This means multiplying for instance time 9 is first times ten (one digit higher) and minus one, so in two cycles, much shorter than in the nine cycles.
Back annotation of the result??
Very fast 170 instructions / minute are specified.
Like all the 1xx and 3xx series the motor is not directly connected to the machine main axis, it has a clutch in between (see machine story of the first machine)
Designer: ?
Production year: on or after 1976 (due to the date label on the motor week 9 of 1976)
Case material: plastic
Weight: 11,2 Kg
External links: http://www.robotrontechnik.de/index.htm?/html/computer/ascota.htm
Previous owner: Intress, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Cosmetic imperfections:
(I accuse no one)
Hardly to find any. The case is little darker at some places due to sun light. Internally the power resistor is losing its green cover.
Date of receiving: 2012-10-01
Machine story: 2012-10-01
Machine stayed repeatedly in an action cycle. Check: motor was stopped on the 90 degrees point when it was mechanical uncoupled.
Although the machine was relatively clean on arrival, I have cleaning the whole (motor removed first). The front axis, who should be turned a few degrees to activate the electric motor based on the action keys is not turning easy, and stays in the "on" position. The spring is not pulling it strong enough to the free position. Turning it has to much friction. Loosen that and for the time being a little stronger spring installed. All by manual turning the machine.
All cycles seem to be alright: plus and total print seems to worked well when this is controlled manually (see conclusions next day).
After a while it was not possible to input numbers. The new spring prevent the next strip from moving. So took an smaller in diameter and this was solving it. The entering numbers possible again. Adding and multiplication successfully (see next day conclusions). Total and intermediate sum was not correct. Always all nines. Closer to the end solution but not there yet.
The yesterday test conclusions were not all right. Closer examination showed that the calculation was not effecting the total sum. The print heads came correct out but it seems to have no effect on the registers. To have a better view on those registers I have removed the ink ribbon transport unit above the registers. It showed no movement towards the main gear rack of the registers, during the back wards movement of the gear racks, during an add. A closer look to the open models (please see the 2e Ascota 314) learned the mechanism who pushed the register on the gear racks. Compared that with the one on the machine and de fully functional machine. On the exact right moment of the cycle I pushed the register manually towards the gear rack and that seems alright. So it misses the control activation. Studying, by comparing the good and not functioning mechanism, showed a very, very hidden spring which was loose on one side. This is in the same area as the reset activation mechanism, so perhaps occurred during a to brutal pushed reset.
The spring connected and the whole is functioning manually first and afterwards with electric motor OK as well. The multiplication was working as well. So assembling the ink ribbon unit with a new ink ribbon.

We I retrieved the machine from the storage, for demonstration purpose, the machine seemed slower and the motor stopped working . Oiled it on several vital locations and the machine was in properly working order again. But after a number of calculation the motor stopped again. Turning it manually gave the right calculation result. It turned out that the speed regulation switch did not closed after running. Adjust the settings and make the nylon knock / leverage a bit smaller. This solved it. It showed larch sparks on contacts. The capacitor and resistor shunting the contacts turned out to be defect. A new set components build in (please see the pictures) and the sparks are less, but still not as expected.




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