My suggestions of other web-sites on Mechanical Calculators :
The Rechenlexikon is "the" accepted standard in this field:
A remarkable good technical web site is the John Wolff Web Museum :
Recommended web sites of German collectors:
- Restoration information is well provided by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian-M. Hamann
- Cris van de Velde
- A nice site of Mr. Harald Schmid and links to others linke IFHB:
From his hand is also a comprehensive paper on memory mechanisms in mechanical calculators (used in the mechanical calculators who can perform the basic 4 types of calculation)
- The Robotron website is a very good, non commercial German site, with information of brands like ASTRA / Ascota / Daro / Robotron etc. these firms ones all belonging to the combination, in the former GDR, Robotron. Information is very well documented. It is a group of people working on providing information and keeping mechanical and electronic office machines machines a live. I give two entries:
Recommended web sites of Dutch collectors,
And don't forget these ones: